Tasty Takes

A bag of blueberry mini muffins called "Minky Muffins".

Scaling Up! Trial Production Recap

This week was a pinch-me moment. It was the biggest milestone yet. We completed the trial production for Minky Muffins!   A trial production is a way to test the recipe by...

Scaling Up! Trial Production Recap

This week was a pinch-me moment. It was the biggest milestone yet. We completed the trial production for Minky Muffins!   A trial production is a way to test the recipe by...

a small glass bowl overflowing with blueberries and a sprinkle of blueberries next to the bowl.

The Nutritional Benefits of Blueberries in Your...

Blueberries are not just a delicious addition to your muffins; they are a nutritional powerhouse that can significantly boost the health benefits of your breakfast or snack. At Minky Muffins,...

The Nutritional Benefits of Blueberries in Your...

Blueberries are not just a delicious addition to your muffins; they are a nutritional powerhouse that can significantly boost the health benefits of your breakfast or snack. At Minky Muffins,...

honeycombs with honey on them and a honey dipper, which is commonly used as a honey spoon)

The Sweet Scoop: Natural Sugars Vs. Refined Sugars

As a kid, I grew up being told “sugar is bad”. Eating sugary desserts were saved for special occasions - holidays, birthdays, etc. That notion that sugar is bad isn’t...

The Sweet Scoop: Natural Sugars Vs. Refined Sugars

As a kid, I grew up being told “sugar is bad”. Eating sugary desserts were saved for special occasions - holidays, birthdays, etc. That notion that sugar is bad isn’t...

Shopping cart going down an aisle of a grocery store

When Challenges Accumulate, Remember Your Why

In some good news, packaging was finally ordered at the end of last week! It was quite the rush to get everyone on the same page, especially during a holiday...

When Challenges Accumulate, Remember Your Why

In some good news, packaging was finally ordered at the end of last week! It was quite the rush to get everyone on the same page, especially during a holiday...

Fueling Your Run: What to Look for in the Perfect Running Snack

Fueling Your Run: What to Look for in the Perfe...

Whether you’re training for your next race or running simply for a workout, what you eat can make a significant difference in your performance and recovery. As a full body...

Fueling Your Run: What to Look for in the Perfe...

Whether you’re training for your next race or running simply for a workout, what you eat can make a significant difference in your performance and recovery. As a full body...

A bunch of growing wheat plants.

Why Whole Wheat Flour Is Better for You Than Re...

I want to chat with you about something that’s been on my mind – the flour we use in our muffins. If you’re like me, you’re always looking for ways...

Why Whole Wheat Flour Is Better for You Than Re...

I want to chat with you about something that’s been on my mind – the flour we use in our muffins. If you’re like me, you’re always looking for ways...