Finding the Perfect Mini Muffin Recipe: A Journey of Trial and Error
I was anxiously awaiting the next round of samples. As time progressed, my confidence diminished. Would I need to find another recipe developer? What if we can’t make tasty muffins with my ingredient expectations? How many more rounds of samples do we need to go through?
Then, the samples arrived. There were three separate versions in this round.
When I opened the first version, I was pleasantly surprised by the color. It was a healthy-looking golden, toasted brown. Just how I like it.
Unfortunately, the pouches containing versions #1 and #2 were mostly smashed and broken except for one muffin of each version. Huge bummer.
I’m already concerned about shipping a soft product like a mini muffin, so receiving crumbled samples was worrisome.
But then, I opened #3 and all of the muffins in that version were intact.
Well, we’re 1 for 3.
Fast forward to the taste test and…
Version #1 - too rich.
Version #2 - too dry.
Version #3 - just right!!!
“Is this the one?!”, I thought to myself as I took my second bite of version #3.
I won’t lie to you. This was the first mini muffin sample I’ve received from the recipe developer that I have genuinely enjoyed.
Shortly after that moment, I was sad. I counted the number of muffins left and realized I couldn't eat another.
That’s when you know you’re on to something - when you personally want more!
Right away, I asked the recipe developer for the ingredient list for version #3. When she sent it to me, I was in shock.
Did we really do it?
Did we actually make a healthy blueberry mini muffin only using ingredients that everyone would know and recognize?
I’m still looking for the catch. Is this too good to be true?
Maybe, but maybe not.
Either way, it’s such a relief to have come this far. I’m thrilled with where the mini muffins are at both from a taste and consistency standpoint.
My confidence has been restored 😌
Before jumping too far ahead, we still need to go through shelf life testing.
Next stop, the lab.
One set of samples is already underway.
Thank you for following this journey, each week we are making strides towards launch!